Birthdays Are Fun at Children's World Birthday Basket Registry
It's FUN - It's Easy - Just like when you did your baby registry

Bring your child into the store a few weeks before their birthday party so they can “shop” and fill their personal Birthday Basket with the toys they really like. (avoids duplicates and is fun for the child). When your child finishes selecting items for their Birthday Basket, they will get a free gift as a pre-birthday surprise. No other purchase required. (pre-birthday gifts are fun too).

Imagine the happy faces of friends and family when they see they gave your child exactly the right gift. (easy to be a hero).

You can let friends and family know that they can call ahead and we’ll have an item out, wrapped, and ready to be paid for all on their way to the child’s party. (a life saver for those last minute shoppers who don’t have time).

For each item $10.00 and over that is purchased out of the basket, your child will earn a $1 credit in the store. So, get registered today, and have the best birthday ever!

Come in to our store,where we carry high quality toys that children will play with for hours.

Stop in to our store, its easy to find.

You can get your child’s Birthday Basket Registry done today.

Map & Directions

Frequent Fun Club
Children's World has TOYS AND GAMES the whole family will love ...

… and now you can join our Frequent Fun Club and save.

Sign up for our Frequent Fun Club, and we’ll keep track of your next six toy/game/educational supplies purchases. After six purchases, we’ll give you a gift certificate for 10% of the total of the six purchases. Other special surprises too, so sign up today!


Don’t forget when you come by the Children’s World store location in Sarasota, you can “Try before you buy.”
Where else can you go and get real feedback on the toys your children will love?

Toys and Games
Free Birthday Gift

Gift wrapping
Free Gift Wrapping

Great toys, games and gifts that look great before they are unwrapped, because they were wrapped for free at Children’s World.*

*Free gift wrapping is available only for products and services purchased from Children’s World

Children’s World Uniform Supply is Leading the Way Through Play (ASTRA) by providing quality products that help children have fun, achieve success and lead happy, healthy lives.